Centro de Ensayos en Vuelo takes delivery of IA-63

On 25 June 2021, one of the test IA-63 Pampa II block 2 jet trainers, serial EX-04 and construction number 1027, was handed over to the Fuerza Aérea Argentina (FAA, Argentine Air Force).

The Pampa was operated by the Fábrica Argentina de Aviones Brig. San Martin (FAdeA) since its maiden flight on 29 March 2016. On 25 June, the test unit of the FAA, the Centro de Ensayos en Vuelo (CEV, flight test centre) took delivery of it, although it will continue to be used in the test programme along with EX-03. The FAA refers to them as Pampa III.

Photo by FAdeA

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