Photo: Fabrizio Capenti

"Just a nice Picture...!”

On 27 July 2020, Alenia C-27J Spartan CSX62308 visited Varese/Venegono (Italy). The transport aircraft is destined for the Kenya Air Force, where it will be registered 222. Fabrizio Capenti was present to digitally capture the moment.

As far as we know, the Kenya Air Force ordered four Spartans, which will be based with the Transport Squadron at Moi Air Base in Mombasa. Known serials and temporary Italian registrations are:

  • 222/CSX62308 (c/n 4198 to be confirmed)
  • 224/CSX62314 (c/n unknown)
  • 226/CSX62316 (c/n unknown)
  • 228? (serial to be confirmed)


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