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by stipjes
17 Aug 2020, 14:32
Forum: Spotting Germany
Topic: Koln-Bonn (EDDK/CGN) 2020 MIL
Replies: 81
Views: 30682

Re: Koln-Bonn (EDDK/CGN) 2020 MIL

TF-104G wrote:NASA Gulf5 N95NA "Nasa 5" on the way, arr is arround 0300LT
Nice Aircraft! Is anything known about its departure (or mission)? Thanks
by stipjes
17 Jul 2020, 13:48
Forum: Military Aviation News
Topic: Atlantic Resolve: 101st CAB to take over 3rd CAB summer 2020
Replies: 165
Views: 50927

Re: Atlantic Resolve: 101st CAB to take over 3rd CAB summer

EvD wrote:
stipjes wrote:“20748” just left with 20721 and 20722. Two others left earlier.
H-47 14-8162 arrived.
HH-60 and AH-64 still on the deck (since wednesday).
Hola, is het nu 20740 of 20748? je-ne-snap-pas.
by stipjes
17 Jul 2020, 13:06
Forum: Military Aviation News
Topic: Atlantic Resolve: 101st CAB to take over 3rd CAB summer 2020
Replies: 165
Views: 50927

Re: Atlantic Resolve: 101st CAB to take over 3rd CAB summer

“Usarmy 20698” (4 ship) just took off from Cognac including 20700 being the HH-60 that was parked since wednesday.

20700 20697 20698 20685
by stipjes
17 Jul 2020, 12:16
Forum: Military Aviation News
Topic: Atlantic Resolve: 101st CAB to take over 3rd CAB summer 2020
Replies: 165
Views: 50927

Re: Atlantic Resolve: 101st CAB to take over 3rd CAB summer

Usarmy 20698 Kwam andere kant binnen met HH-60 20697 20698 20685
by stipjes
17 Jul 2020, 10:53
Forum: Military Aviation News
Topic: Atlantic Resolve: 101st CAB to take over 3rd CAB summer 2020
Replies: 165
Views: 50927

Re: Atlantic Resolve: 101st CAB to take over 3rd CAB summer

“Usarmy 20748” just left with 20748 20721 and 20722. Two others left earlier.
H-47 14-8162 arrived.
HH-60 and AH-64 still on the deck (since wednesday).
by stipjes
16 Jul 2020, 22:44
Forum: Military Aviation News
Topic: Atlantic Resolve: 101st CAB to take over 3rd CAB summer 2020
Replies: 165
Views: 50927

Re: Atlantic Resolve: 101st CAB to take over 3rd CAB summer

5 HH-60’s left Cognac this morning or yesterday evening so I guess it were these ones (one HH-60 and AH-64 left behind at cognac)
by stipjes
16 Jul 2020, 15:11
Forum: Military Aviation News
Topic: Atlantic Resolve: 101st CAB to take over 3rd CAB summer 2020
Replies: 165
Views: 50927

Re: Atlantic Resolve: 101st CAB to take over 3rd CAB summer

Today the flight are cancelled the Gerdarmes just told us. Bad weather in the east. Edit 15.38.... just as I wanted to start my engine Ton heard helicopters, the following arrived: 20415 20029 20740 Or 8 20721 20722 I think the Gendarme, who passed us 7 seconds before Ton heard the helicopters and f...
by stipjes
16 Jul 2020, 14:41
Forum: Military Aviation News
Topic: Atlantic Resolve: 101st CAB to take over 3rd CAB summer 2020
Replies: 165
Views: 50927

Re: Atlantic Resolve: 101st CAB to take over 3rd CAB summer

After spending the morning in Bordeaux for Indian Rafales we went to Cognac. Lot of flying with the locals but silent with US Army. 5 of the 7 helicopters seem to have left with just a HH-60 and an Apache left.
by stipjes
15 Jul 2020, 11:14
Forum: Military Aviation News
Topic: Atlantic Resolve: 101st CAB to take over 3rd CAB summer 2020
Replies: 165
Views: 50927

Re: Atlantic Resolve: 101st CAB to take over 3rd CAB summer

hello, Today we will spent the day at Cognac for PC.21’s & Grobs (and the Army choppers that might refuel here coming from La Rochelle and heading to Nevers/Nancy). Last monday already Some helicopters passed Nevers on their way east. At the moment 6 HH-60 and a AH-64 are Parked in the north sit...
by stipjes
02 Jul 2020, 11:25
Forum: Military Aviation News
Topic: 3rd CAB helicopters outbound Europe
Replies: 440
Views: 125891

Re: 3rd CAB helicopters outbound Europe

Helies flew to SP. Paradroppings in RS.
by stipjes
02 Jul 2020, 10:00
Forum: Military Aviation News
Topic: 3rd CAB helicopters outbound Europe
Replies: 440
Views: 125891

Re: 3rd CAB helicopters outbound Europe

20376 Just took off from RS 10:12
20679 10:35
2040?2 10:40
by stipjes
02 Jul 2020, 08:45
Forum: Military Aviation News
Topic: 3rd CAB helicopters outbound Europe
Replies: 440
Views: 125891

Re: 3rd CAB helicopters outbound Europe

3 H-60’s landed at RS 15 minutes ago.
by stipjes
28 Jun 2020, 17:38
Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
Topic: EHAM 28-06-2020 MIL
Replies: 9
Views: 4586

Re: EHAM 28-06-2020 MIL

by stipjes
28 Jun 2020, 17:00
Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
Topic: EHAM 28-06-2020 MIL
Replies: 9
Views: 4586

Re: EHAM 28-06-2020 MIL

Nice visitors!!! Is the ETD known (4 2morrow)