Search found 20 matches

by andrewn
22 Sep 2024, 10:07
Forum: Messages from & to Scramble
Topic: Scramble Digital Archive
Replies: 6
Views: 8648

Re: Scramble Digital Archive

How is the digitisation coming along? I can only see magazines from 2018 in the archive, is that correct? Thank you
by andrewn
07 Sep 2024, 15:40
Forum: Ramstein
Topic: ETAR 2024-09-06
Replies: 1
Views: 4946

Re: ETAR 2024-09-06

Called in here on the way back from the Nurburgring to FRA. Saw the following from various locations around the base, between 13:00 and 16:00hrs: Anything not read off from pictures is in brackets () and taken from ADSB or livemodes. Departing as I arrived and over the next hour were: C-17A (07-7180...
by andrewn
27 May 2024, 23:51
Forum: Spotting Eire & UK
Topic: St. Athan (EGDX/EGSY) 2024
Replies: 6
Views: 5618

Re: St. Athan (EGDX/EGSY) 2024

Thanks for the pics, they are really helpful. I was there the same day (on the ground) and can confirm the Asky 738 (rear end on to Smurfs) was ET-AOK.
by andrewn
17 Jun 2019, 09:03
Forum: Volkel
Topic: EHVK 15-06-2019
Replies: 59
Views: 16642

Re: EHVK 15-06-2019

Stafsels wrote:Thanks! Much appriciated!

The left behind red arrows could be red arrow 7.... it came in on thursday with problems with the landing gear. Did land save however.

Kind regards,

It was Red 10 that came in with the gear issue on Thursday
by andrewn
25 Mar 2018, 16:05
Forum: Spotting Canada & USA
Topic: Yuma Airshow requirements
Replies: 45
Views: 12272

Re: Yuma Airshow requirements

Fishbed_9307 wrote:Hi Andrew,

Thanks for sending the picture. I only discovered now that I also wrote it down as such during the show. However, I shot this picture on the Tuesday before the show! Things can change rather fast! :shock:

Indeed! Also,per my earlier post I logged 165573 as "WL02"
by andrewn
25 Mar 2018, 15:22
Forum: Spotting Canada & USA
Topic: Yuma Airshow requirements
Replies: 45
Views: 12272

Re: Yuma Airshow requirements

I logged the following AV-8B's, including a couple from quick pics I took at the Blue parking lot AV-8B 164148 WL23 / VMA311 S AV-8B 163883 WE20 / VMA214 F AV-8B+ 165567 / Sheds (code not visible from angle of image) AV-8B+ 165585 WE03 / VMA214 S AV-8B 165006 / VMA214 Sheds (code not visible from a...
by andrewn
23 Mar 2018, 17:03
Forum: Spotting Canada & USA
Topic: Luke AFB show Sun 18th April - non-static only
Replies: 18
Views: 5425

Re: Luke AFB show Sun 18th April - non-static only

LF/89-2056 LF/90-0705 also flying LF/90-0754 LF/90-0759 LF/90-0760 LF/90-0762 LF/90-0765 56FW/310FS : F-16D : LF/88-0161 LF/88-0162 LF/88-0163 LF/88-0175 LF/89-2156? LF/89-2159 LF/89-2164 LF/89-2179 LF/90-0778 => I don't have 2156, was this the last one in a row? I know I couldn't read off one of t...
by andrewn
23 Mar 2018, 16:38
Forum: Spotting Canada & USA
Topic: Yuma Airshow requirements
Replies: 45
Views: 12272

Re: Yuma Airshow requirements

I logged the following AV-8B's, including a couple from quick pics I took at the Blue parking lot AV-8B 164148 WL23 / VMA311 S AV-8B 163883 WE20 / VMA214 F AV-8B+ 165567 / Sheds (code not visible from angle of image) AV-8B+ 165585 WE03 / VMA214 S AV-8B 165006 / VMA214 Sheds (code not visible from an...
by andrewn
31 Oct 2017, 16:14
Forum: Military Aviation News
Topic: Israel autumn 2017: again a Blue Flag exercise...
Replies: 33
Views: 15177

Re: Israel autumn 2017: again a Blue Flag exercise...

FAF (Adel´A) 4050 tail 738 according to ADSB just turned back near Crete (after presumably offloading a package of Mirage 2000s) The Polish also pinged, 4056 and 4062 (flights). Another Italian 767 into LLOV today, MM62229, but I didn´t "hear" the Panavia MRCAs. Some more F-16s are due in...
by andrewn
13 Aug 2017, 18:48
Forum: Military Aviation News
Topic: The 'black' USAF C-32Bs
Replies: 292
Views: 142139

Re: The 'black' USAF C-32Bs

02-4452 Overflew the south of the Netherlands this morning as RUSK74 around 11:15lt, coming from Bucharest. It was cleared to MAM (Marham) and descended from FL360 to FL260. It was almost certainly refueled by KC-135 60-0333 / QID743 between there and west of Newcastle, after which it climbed again...
by andrewn
18 Jul 2017, 23:13
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Royal International Air Tattoo 14-16 July 2017
Replies: 139
Views: 75231

Re: Royal International Air Tattoo 14-16 July 2017

Crawfy wrote:Hello, I need some help on the Turkish 135s that arrived.
Were they the same one or different serials. Saw them land and drpart but never hot a chance to read the serial or hear their callsign.

Any help on this would be appreciated.
Think they both called TAF 11 in/out.
by andrewn
01 Jul 2017, 22:34
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Geilenkirchen open house 1-2 July
Replies: 352
Views: 107357

Re: Geilenkirchen open house 1-2 July

So for tomorrow, I have access tickets for the open days.. but Do you enter the base on the Dutch side or German side? And idea as well where to park your car? Any shuttles or? How does the flight line look line? Does anyone has any more information for me, Thanks in advance. The traffic from the N...
by andrewn
06 Mar 2017, 09:04
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Geilenkirchen open house 1-2 July
Replies: 352
Views: 107357

Re: Geilenkirchen open house July 2nd?

Thank you Frank :)
by andrewn
02 Mar 2017, 00:06
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Geilenkirchen open house 1-2 July
Replies: 352
Views: 107357

Re: Geilenkirchen open house July 2nd?

Thanks for the update Frank. I am an English spotter that has already booked travel and accommodation for myself and my son, so would appreciate help in ensuring our spottersday application is included in any such group submission.

Nick Andrews
by andrewn
22 Aug 2016, 14:57
Forum: Spotting Rest of Europe
Topic: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA 2016 MIL
Replies: 14
Views: 6949

Re: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA 2016 MIL


Present at around 19:00 local time:

RC-135U 64-14849/OF bk
RC-135V 64-14844/OF bl
RC-135 ZZ664 51Sq
EP-3E 157318/318 VQ1