Arriving from Torrejon on 22.06. at 11.42h with President Javier Milei was B.757-200 ARG-001 of I Brigada Aérea, Grupo Aéreo 1, Agrupación Aérea Presidencial.
In mid-June A400M 54+46 will be delivered from Sevilla to LTG 62 and also the long-time maintenance aircraft 54+01 is awaited back after more than four and a half years leaving for Manching in October 2019(!).
Support aircraft for the leaving NTM aircrafts on 14.06. were: 4117 C-27J 354.MTM special colours 0481 CN.295MW 242.tsl 54+30 A400M LTG 62 (supporting the EC 03.030 contingent) Also leaving after their nightstop were 741 C-130H 741 HAF/356.MTM 63-13189 C-130E THK/222.Filo special colours 18-0094 A40...