Show Reports

Campo de Marte 2004

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Date: 17 October 2004

Made by: S


2293			C-95A		4ºETA              
2309		        C-95B	        PAMA-SP            
2002		        VC-97	        6ºETA              
2365		        C-115	        PAMA-SP            
7050		        P-95A	        4º/7ºGAv           
1969		        T-25C	        BAST               
1315, 1357	        T-27	        1ºEIA/AFA          
1389, 1444	        T-27	        1ºEIA/AFA          
Undergoing maintenance:                             
4824, 4825, 4846	F-5E	        PAMA-SP            
4849, 4851, 4863	F-5E	        PAMA-SP            
4865, 4877		F-5E	        PAMA-SP            
'1','2','3','4','6'	F-5B	        PAMA-SP            
(N98UH)			SA-16	        PAMA-SP            
Flying only:                                        
PR-SAF			B737	        VARIG (Rio Sul mks)

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