Show Reports

São José dos Campos 2005

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Date: 22 October 2005

Made by:


5921		A-29B		2°/5°Gav (nb)                    
8763	        H-50	        AFA (1°/11°GAv mks)              
8811	        CH-55	        CTA/DEV                          
2146	        C-95	        CTA/DEV                          
4841	        F-5E	        1°GAvCa                          
6702	        R-99A	        2°/6°GAv                         
1835	        T-25A	        2°EIA/AFA (nb)                   
1956	        T-25C	        CTA/DEV                          
4488	        AT-26	        CTA/DEV			#                        
4516	        AT-26	        CTA/DEV                          
1321	        XT-27	        CTA/DEV                          
1307/2, 1326/7	T-27		EDA Fumaça		#
1329/3, 1358/4	T-27		EDA Fumaça		#
1360/5, 1371/1	T-27		EDA Fumaça		#
1394/5, 1434/6	T-27		EDA Fumaça		#        
2125	        XU-93	        CTA/DEV                          
N-7077	        UH-14	        HU-2                             
EB-2014	        HM-1 (AS565)	2°GAvEx                  
EB-4002	        HM-3 (AS532)	2°GAvEx                  
PP-EOV	        AS350B2		Polícia Militar SP               
PP-FFV	        EMB110B1	INPE                     
PT-RQA	        EMB810C		SAE                              
PT-SCL	        ERJ145XR	Continental Expr         
PT-SZM	        ERJ170		TAME                             
PT-ZSK	        Su-26					#                        
# = also flying

CTA hangar (open to public):
5650/SJ		A-1B		CTA/DEV

CTA hangar (open to public):
4509		AT-26		CTA/DEV
PP-ZMG		Christen Eagle				#

CTA hangar (closed to public):
2283		C-95		CTA/DEV  
2325	        C-95B	        CTA/DEV  
8816	        CH-55	        CTA/DEV  
1835	        T-25A	        CTA/DEV			#
1944	        T-25C	        CTA/DEV  
4418?	        XT-26	        CTA/DEV  
1302	        YT-27	        CTA/DEV  

PT-SAH		ERJ175		Air Canada           
PT-SAK	        ERJ170		United Express       
PT-SAO	        ERJ170		Finnair              
PT-STH	        ERJ195		JetBlue              
PT-SVD	        ERJ170		Macedonian Al		#    
YV-662C	        EMB120ERS	Avior Express

PP-MBC		S-76A    
PR-EAL	        Bell 222U
PT-MAV	        EMB121A1 
PT-ODN	        Beech F90

Flying over:
N-3012		SH-3A		(HS-1)

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