Show Reports

Komatsu 2009

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Date: 1 November 2009

Made by:


48-1005 	C-1 		402 Hikotai          
45-1073         C-130H 		401 Hikotai       
54-3455         E-2C 		Hiko Keikai Ka 		@    
23-8108         F-2B 		21 Hikotai          
57-6912         RF-4E 		501 Hikotai        
37-8320         F-4EJ 		302 Hikotai 		$      
12-8076         F-15DJ 		306 Hikotai       
71-8881         F-15J 		303 Hikotai 		#$     
96-5618         T-4 		302 Hikotai          
16-5661         T-4 		306 Hikotai          
56-5932         T-7 		11 Hiko Kyoiku       
95-3254         U-4 		Sotai SHireibu       
22-3020         U-125 		Komatsu Kyunantai 	$
01-5060         T-400 		41 Kyoiku Hiko     
73465 		AH-1S 		5 Taisensha Herik 
41914           UH-1J 		Chubu Homen Herik.
31296           OH-6D 		5 Taisensha Herik.
27-4488 	CH-47J 		Iruma Herikoputatai
88-4587         UH-60J 		Komatsu Kyunantai 	$
5051 		P-3C 		nmks
9201 		T-36A 		91 Kokutai
165685/DT-09 	F/A-18D 	VMFA(AW)-242
164702/DT-12 	F/A-18D 	VMFA(AW)-242
# = special mks 
@ = 100.000 HR mks 
$ = also flew

Hangar Display:
22-8929 	F-15J 		303 Hikotai
92-8098 	F-15DJ 		303 Hikotai

58-4582 	UH-60J 		Komatsu Kyunantai
32-3021 	U-125 		Komatsu Kyunantai

F-15J/DJ* of 303 Hikotai:
32-8806, 32-8819, 52-8851, 92-8911, 22-8934, 22-8937,

F-15J/DJ* of 306 Hikotai:
62-8868, 22-8930, 22-8939, 52-8953, 82-8093

The T-4s of the Blue Impulse:
46-5728/1, 26-5804/2, 66-5745/3, 46-5725/4
46-5726/5, 26-5805/6, 46-5730/-

The U-125 and UH-60J were only seen on 31 September

IsHikawa Aviation Park:
46-8539 	F-104J 		207 Hikotai mks
99-5163         T-2 		Blue Imp. mks     
71-5321         T-33A 		303/306 Hik. mks
11-5538         T-3 		pres              
31093 		OH-6J		 pres
This Aviation park is nearby, so can be accounted for.

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