Show Reports

Shimofusa 2000

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Date: 27 May 2000

Made by:


6827		TC-90		202 Kyoiku Kokutai
8265		SH-60J		101 Kokutai
8962		UH-60J		Shimofusa Kyuntai
5051		P-3C		203 Kyoiku Kokutai
9205		U-36A		81 Kokutai
93-1081		C-130H		401 Hikotai
83-3223		Mu-2S		Niigata Kyunantai
39-3042		U-125		Hiko Tenkentai
73420		AH-1S		4 Taisensha Herikoputatai
31176		OH-6D		4 Taisensha Herikoputatai
52918		CH-47J		1 Herikoputatai

8967		UH-60J		Shimofusa Kyuntai
5014		P-3C		5 Kokutai
5026, 5029	P-3C		203 Kyoiku Kokutai
5030, 5059	P-3C		203 Kyoiku Kokutai
5063, 5065	P-3C		203 Kyoiku Kokutai
9088		US-1A		71 Kokutai
6902, 6903	YS-11TA		205 Kyoiku Kokutai
6904, 6905	YS-11TA		205 Kyoiku Kokutai
6906		YS-11TA		205 Kyoiku Kokutai
52957		CH-47JA		1 Herikoputatai
De Orion van 5 Kokutai (Naha, Okinawa) komt hier eens per maand voor training 
en zou na de show vertrekken.

6175		SNJ-5		preserved
6428		SNB-5 		preserved
6718		Be 65 		preserved
8607		KV 107 II-A3 	preserved

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