DC10 TankerAirCarrier 64010 Tanker Air Carrier unveils new livery

Aerial firefighting company 10 Tanker Air Carrier has unveiled a new, and we think quite attractive, livery for its DC-10s. The first aircraft that has received the paintjob is N612AX (48290). The design still features an orange aft fuselage, which is done for practical reasons as, over time, that part of the fuselage gets stained orange/reddish by the fire retardent. The triangles in the livery are an abstract impression of fire retardent against the blue sky.

10 Tanker Air Carrier has a fleet of four DC-10s and the remaining three will receive the new livery in due time. The company is based at Albuquerque (NM), but the DC-10s are deployed cross-country as well internationally when the need is there. N612AX was painted at Amarillo (TX) and was ferried back to Albuquerque (NM) on 1 February.

Photo by 10 Tanker Air Carrier.

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