Dutch pilots continue to rely on NHV

Loodswezen, the Dutch Pilots’ Organization, and the NHV Group have announced the signing of a contract extension for helicopter services supporting maritime pilotage services in the Netherlands. The long-term contract awarded to Noordzee Helicopters Vlaanderen (NHV) will secure the Dutch pilotage service from Pistoolhaven (Rotterdam).

NHV’s helicopter services play a crucial role in swiftly transporting shipping pilots to and from large vessels navigating through Dutch harbours, particularly during adverse weather conditions.

In the contract is laid down that NHV will replace the current fleet of Dauphin AS365N3 helicopters with two state-of-the-art Airbus H145 D3 aircraft for enhanced safety, reliability, and performance. At this moment, it is not yet known (to Scramble) which Airbus H145s will be used.

Photo: Tiebe Matton

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