To all photographers who visit the Salisbury Plain

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Scramble Senior
Scramble Senior
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Joined: 25 Apr 2006, 19:25

To all photographers who visit the Salisbury Plain

Post by arrecoos »

Hello all,

I got a mail from the admin of the Salisbury Plain Training Area Enthusiast Forum stating the following:
Having just come back from spending two days with the MRX chaps we had some good chats with the Wardens who are getting increasingly concerned over hordes of photographers arriving up Deptford Down since it was released onto public websites and forums by several members of this and other forums a year or two ago.
They have asked me to put a notice up to all concerned....

Air Ops have had lots of complaints recently (this month) and many last year by helicopter pilots (mainly Boscombe and Wallop and a certain SF squadron) having to turn away from their sorties because of lenses all over the strip.

Several crews have had to go elsewhere when enroute after seeing photographers in the distance. Because of the nature of some of the things on their airframe and their trials, they can't have loads of people lined up taking photos.
They may wave at you for the camera but as soon as they disappear they are on the phone.

Also, Air Ops have been informed by a warden who went up there some time ago and saw several car loads of people lined up with some photographers actually standing on the airstrip (mown grass) and not on the rough byeway. You are not allowed to stand on the cut airstrip itself.

Air Ops, SPTA SP ATE and MoD Police are now having correspondence into how to look at the problem of all the photographers going up Deptford Down and not letting crews do their work.

Before the release of co-ords and locations on many forums by members of various forums, Air crews including C-130 landings had a free run, with only a few people with cameras turning up every now and then. It has become so busy now that the C-130 crews have buggered off as well because they can't have their tactics plastered all over the internet.

Basically it wasn't too bad when one or two turned up over several weeks but due to the huge amount of photogs turning up now for several days each week it has become a problem. It's no longer sporadic, it's full on like Wales.

They would like to make it clear that SPTA is a Military Training Range not a public hillside in Wales.
(Isn't this what the forum admin first said two years ago about lots of people congregating up Deptford? Believe my words were of the same nature, it shouldn't become like the Bwlch!)

The Wardens have said that complaints have also been made of how some cars have been parked at the tank crossing and that some people have been driving up to the strip itself.
All those tracks are OUT OF BOUNDS to civilian vehicles.

Due to the 'problem' as they see it, the future of people following exercises or general aviation enthusiasts that have been going up there for years (and around the whole plain) is to become very difficult. It seems it has gone beyond where all those who originally enjoyed the 'freedom' and trust are now being restricted and it has been spoilt for all of us.

Police are now to be issuing penalty tickets if they feel the need to for anyone parking illegally, parking off the proper areas, on out of bounds areas and along with the Wardens will be seeing what they can do about the increasing Deptford Down 'problem'.

That's all i have been issued with regarding this
Just to inform you guys of the news. A discussion regarding this message can be found at" onclick=";return false; under "SPTA related articles" , thread "photographers on Deptford Down".


Arco de Heer
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