Civil Database

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Welcome to the Scramble civil aircraft database! For Soviet types, please use the Soviet Transports database.

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Search Results

In the search results the current records are shown in white, historic ones in light blue.

Cessna Citation family (model 500 to 750)

1 record found

Updated: 2024-06-14 09:22:51

Reg Type CN/LN Operator Date Remarks
4400 Ce550 550-0358/389 Burma Air Force Aug 1982

Fokker F27, Fokker 50/60 & Fairchild FH227

6 records found

Updated: 2024-06-13 00:37:05

Reg Type CN/LN Operator Date Remarks
5002 FH-227B 545 Burma Air Force 30 Jan 1978
5004 FH-227B 549 Burma Air Force 28 Apr 1978
5005 FH-227B 552 Burma Air Force 5 Mar 1978
5006 FH-227B 554 Burma Air Force 5 May 1978
5001 F27-100 10124 Burma Air Force 18 May 1976 Wfu oct82
0001 FH-227E 501 Burma Air Force 29 Dec 1977

Pilatus PC-6 Porter/Turbo-Porter

9 records found

Updated: 2024-06-08 13:25:42

Reg Type CN/LN Operator Date Remarks
4001 PC-6/B2-H2 772 Burma Air Force 2 Nov 1976
4002 PC-6/B2-H2 773 Burma Air Force 2 Nov 1976
4003 PC-6/B2-H2 780 Burma Air Force Mar 1977
4004 PC-6/B2-H2 781 Burma Air Force Mar 1977
UB-6004 PC-6/B2-H2 786 Burma Air Force 1977 not taken up?
UB-6005 PC-6/B2-H2 787 Burma Air Force 1977 not taken up?
4005 PC-6/B2-H2 795 Burma Air Force Jul 1978
4006 PC-6/B2-H2 796 Burma Air Force Jul 1978
4007 PC-6/B2-H2 797 Burma Air Force Jul 1978

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