Civil Database

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Search Results

In the search results the current records are shown in white, historic ones in light blue.

Beech 99 & 1900

10 records found

Updated: 2024-06-02 20:00:12

Reg Type CN/LN Operator Date Remarks
4801 Beech 1900C-1 UC-10 Egyptian Air Force 26 Oct 1988 'SU-BKV'
4808 Beech 1900C-1 UC-52 Egyptian Air Force 4 Sep 1992 'SU-BLT'
4807 Beech 1900C-1 UC-51 Egyptian Air Force 4 Sep 1992 'SU-BLS'
4802 Beech 1900C-1 UC-33 Egyptian Air Force 6 Dec 1988 'SU-BLA'
4806 Beech 1900C-1 UC-21 Egyptian Air Force 14 Jan 1990 'SU-BKZ'
4805 Beech 1900C-1 UC-18 Egyptian Air Force 14 Jan 1990 'SU-BKY'
4804 Beech 1900C-1 UC-16 Egyptian Air Force 6 Dec 1988 'SU-BKX'
4803 Beech 1900C-1 UC-15 Egyptian Air Force 6 Dec 1988 'SU-BKW'
SU-BRT Beech 1900D UE-244 Egyptian Air Force Jul 2012
4809 Beech 1900D UE-171 Egyptian Air Force 30 May 2012 'SU-BRS'

Beech Queen/King Air & Starship

2 records found

Updated: 2024-06-03 11:53:25

Reg Type CN/LN Operator Date Remarks
SU-BAX Beech 200 BB-353 Egyptian Air Force 1983 Opf Remote Sensing Academy.
SU-BAX Beech 200 BB-353 Egyptian Air Force >0498 Opf Remote Sensing Academy., '8505'

Cessna Citation family (model 500 to 750)

2 records found

Updated: 2024-05-28 21:41:29

Reg Type CN/LN Operator Date Remarks
SU-BRF Ce680 680-0269 Egyptian Air Force Dec 2009 serial 941, but not worn
SU-BRG Ce680 680-0295 Egyptian Air Force Sep 2010 serial 942, but not worn

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