Civil Database

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Search Results

In the search results the current records are shown in white, historic ones in light blue.

BAe (BAC) BAe111

19 records found

Updated: 2024-02-11 18:38:03

Reg Type CN/LN Operator Date Remarks
N2111J BAe111-204AF 029 McDonnell Douglas Corp. May 1989 Std may89
N1128J BAe111-204AF 181 McDonnell Douglas Corp. May 1989 Std may89
N1127J BAe111-204AF 180 McDonnell Douglas Corp. May 1989 Std may89
N1126J BAe111-204AF 179 McDonnell Douglas Corp. May 1989 Std may89
N1123J BAe111-204AF 104 McDonnell Douglas Corp. May 1989 Std may89
N1122J BAe111-204AF 103 McDonnell Douglas Corp. May 1989 Std may89
N1119J BAe111-204AF 101 McDonnell Douglas Corp. May 1989 Std may89
N1118J BAe111-204AF 100 McDonnell Douglas Corp. May 1989 Std may89
N1117J BAe111-204AF 099 McDonnell Douglas Corp. May 1989 Std may89
N1112J BAe111-204AF 030 McDonnell Douglas Corp. May 1989 Std may89
N1113J BAe111-204AF 031 McDonnell Douglas Corp. May 1989 Std may89
N1114J BAe111-204AF 032 McDonnell Douglas Corp. May 1989 Std may89
N1129J BAe111-204AF 182 McDonnell Douglas Corp. May 1989 Std may89
N1115J BAe111-204AF 082 McDonnell Douglas Corp. May 1989 Std may89
N1134J BAe111-203AE 045 McDonnell Douglas Corp. May 1989 Std may89
N1124J BAe111-204AF 134 McDonnell Douglas Corp. May 1989 Std may89
N1130J BAe111-215AU 096 McDonnell Douglas Corp. May 1989 Std may89
N1132J BAe111-215AU 105 McDonnell Douglas Corp. May 1989 Std may89
N1120J BAe111-204AF 102 McDonnell Douglas Corp. May 1989 Std may89

Beech Queen/King Air & Starship

1 record found

Updated: 2024-06-04 12:02:55

Reg Type CN/LN Operator Date Remarks
N3700M Beech E90 LW-340 McDonnell Douglas Corp.

Boeing 727

6 records found

Updated: 2024-05-31 18:18:31

Reg Type CN/LN Operator Date Remarks
N527MD B727-281 20466/865 McDonnell Douglas Corp. 2 Nov 1993 Not taken up
N530MD B727-281 20571/884 McDonnell Douglas Corp. 21 Nov 1993
N526MD B727-281 20725/958 McDonnell Douglas Corp. 21 Oct 1993 Not taken up
N531MD B727-281 20728/969 McDonnell Douglas Corp. 2 Dec 1993
N528MD B727-281 20468/849 McDonnell Douglas Corp. 14 Nov 1993
N501DC B727-2H3 20739/952 McDonnell Douglas Corp. Apr 1988

Boeing 737

1 record found

Updated: 2024-06-02 20:00:11

Reg Type CN/LN Operator Date Remarks
N903LC B737-247 19612/93 McDonnell Douglas Corp. 6 Aug 1998

Boeing 747

1 record found

Updated: 2024-06-02 17:43:54

Reg Type CN/LN Operator Date Remarks
N504DC B747-212B 21316/309 McDonnell Douglas Corp. Mar 1995

McDonnell-Douglas DC-10

67 records found

Updated: 2024-05-27 19:59:22

Maximum of 50 records reached! Please narrow your search criteria.

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