Show Reports

Wittmund 2004

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Date: 4 August 2004

Made by: Scramble, Piet Luijken, Erik Kamphuis


37+79, 38+67		F-4F		JG71             
43+70		        Tornado IDS	JBG33	spec mks 
44+08	                Tornado IDS	JBG38	spec mks 
61+14	                Br1150		MFG3             
71+69	                UH-1D		LlGr25           
82+64	                EC135T1		HFWS             
83+23	                S Lynx Mk88A	MFG3             
84+18	                CH-53G		HFWS             
N432FS	                A-4N		Flight Systems   

37+76, 38+74		F-4F		JG71

D-EJGR			L-18C		ex 96+30

Maintenance hangars near tower:
37+39, 37+78		F-4F		JG71
37+85, 38+36		F-4F		JG71

Platform near tower:
38+27			F-4F		JG71
75-0632/HO		F-4E		i/a

Museum hangar:
01+06			CL-13B Mk6	pres as JA+106
24+85		        RF-104G		preserved     
12 yellow	        Me109		preserved     
N433FS		        A-4N		Flight Systems

38+61			F-4F		Flz F-4F	*

37+03, 37+22, 37+55	F-4F		JG71
37+63, 37+82, 37+84	F-4F		JG71
37+86, 38+14, 38+40	F-4F		JG71
38+44, 38+45, 38+46	F-4F		JG71
38+53, 38+54, 38+55	F-4F		JG71
38+56, 38+63		F-4F		JG71
N431FS, N434FS		A-4N		Flight Systems

Wittmund Military Camp:
20+86			F-104G		preserved
JB+251			CL-13B Mk6	pres as JA+112

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