Show Reports

Utsunomiya 2002

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Date: 26 May 2002

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18-1031			C-1		402 Hikotai               
29-3041		        U-125		Hiko Tenkentai            
68-4565		        UH-60J		Matsush. Kyunantai        
8207		        SH-60J		123 Kokutai               
22009/W		        LR-1		Seibu Homen Hikotai		# 
31159/SU	        OH-6D		Utsunomiya Bunko          
32607/SK	        OH-1		Kasumigaura Bunko		* 
43112/XIIH	        UH-60JA		12 Herikoputatai          
43117/XIIH	        UH-60JA		12 Herikoputatai		* 
73409/IIIATH	        AH-1S		3 Taisensha Herikoputatai	*$
JA8951/MA951	        Saab340BSAR	Coast Guard               
JA6810		        BK117C-1	Tochigi Police            
JA8845		        Beech C90A	Japan Flight Acad.        
JA09TG		        Bell412EP	Tochigi Authorities       
According to our database, the OH-6 was written-off on 10 July 1987.
Did it become a well-looking instruction airframe?
* = also flying
# = operated by Utsunomiya Bunko
$ = operated by Kasumigaura Bunko

22016/SU		LR-1		Utsunomiya Bunko         
31168/SU, 31170/SU	OH-6D	        Utsunomiya Bunko  "Sky Hornet"        
31178/SU, 31187/SU	OH-6D	        Utsunomiya Bunko  "Sky Hornet"        
31204/SU		OH-6D	        Utsunomiya Bunko  "Sky Hornet"       
41806/SU, 41807		UH-1J	        Utsunomiya Bunko         
41830/NEH		UH-1J	        Tohoku Homen Herikoputatai	#
41842/NH		UH-1J	        Utsunomiya Bunko         
41872/NH		UH-1J	        Hokubu Homen Herikoputatai	#
43114/XIIH, 43118/XIIH	UH-60JA	        12 Herikoputatai         
52906/SK		CH-47J		Kasumigaura Bunko
52926/XIIH		CH-47J		12 Herikoputatai

31189/XI		OH-6D		Utsunomiya Bunko
31196/XIIH	        OH-6D	        12 Herikoputatai
22006/SU	        LR-1	        preserved       
31115/VIII	        OH-6J	        preserved       
31121/IX, 31124/XIII	OH-6D	        preserved       
41571/WH		UH-1B	        preserved       
41601/EH		UH-1H	        preserved       
41630/NEH, 41637/NEH	UH-1H	        preserved       
60506/SU		T-34A	        preserved       
61335/SU		TH-55J	        preserved       
82-7818			F-86F	        preserved       

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