Show Reports

Bratislava 2002

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Date: 8/9 June 2002

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188748			CF-188		425sq
37+92			F-4F		JG74
43+10, 43+11		Tornado IDS	JBG38
70+88			UH-1D		LTG61
U-04			Fokker 60UTA	334sq
78820			IL-76MD		nn/Ukrain AF
08 bl 36911013605	Su-27		831IAP/UkrAF
96 bl			Tu-22M3		185GvTBAP/UkrAF
3C-OK			OH-58B		FlRgt 1/3, spec c/s
3G-EL			PC-6B2-H2	FlRgt 1/4, spec c/s
T.19B-07/35-25		CN235EA02	Ala 35
63-7887/RS		C-130E		37th AS
84-0001/LN, 86-0174/LN	F-15C		493rd FS
89-2035/AV		F-16CG		555th FS "555FS"
89-2046/AV		F-16CG		510th FS
2506			An-26		2SBoLK                 
2845	                L-29	        2SBoLK         
1701/SL	                L-39ZA	        1SLK           
1521	                L-410FG	        2SBoLK         
3301	                Mi-2	        3VrK           
0820	                Mi-17	        3VrK           
0832	                Mi-24V	        3VrK           
5026/SL	                MiG-21UM	1SLK           
5304/SL	                MiG-29UB	1SLK           
OM-BYO	                Tu-154M		Slovak Gvmt            
OM-BYL	                Yak-40		Slovak Gvmt            
YU-YAE	                G-2A Galeb	ex YugoAF 23177

Far side:
0808			Mi-17		3VrK?

Flightlines/platforms far side:
FA57, FA69		F-16AM		nb
2408			An-26		61DLt/CzechAF   
5831	                L-159B	        Aero Vodochody  
0710	                Mi-24V	        331LtBVr/CzechAF
0719	                W-3A	        LtLPZS/CzechAF  
R55/61-ZC		C-160R		ET00.061
4/5-OK, 9/5-OJ		Mirage 2000C	EC02.005
J-016			F-16AM		312sq, spec c/s
J-871	                F-16AM	        312sq          
661	                F-16AM	        nb             
688	                F-16AM	        331 skv        
57 bl	                Su-27	        831IAP/UkrAF   
L9-62/62		PC-9	        15BRVL         
ZJ100			Hawk 102D	BAe Warton
ZA601/TE, ZD720/TA	Tornado GR4	15(R)sq
A-907, A-908, A-909	PC-7
A-913, A-929, A-932	PC-7
A-933, A-935, A-937	PC-7
A-939			PC-7
5803			An-24V	        2SBoLK            
1730/SL			L-39ZA	        1SLK              
0927			L-410UVP-T	1SLK, paradrop
0813			Mi-24V		3VrK
7704			MiG-21MF	1SLK
2022/SL, 6425/SL	MiG-29		1SLK
6829/SL			MiG-29		1SLK, tiger c/s
EP-SFB			IL-76MD		nn
YU-YAD			G-2A Galeb	ex YugoAF 23187

L-39Cs of Biele Albatrosy:
0101/4	0102/6	0112/1	0442/2	0443/7

Alpha Jets E of the Patrouille de France:
E120/1	E135/2	E41/3	E128/4
E122/5	E75/6	E169/7	E117/8
E158/9	E160/0

MB339As of Frecce Tricolore:
MM54479/1	MM54551/2	MM54417/3
MM54500/4	MM54546/5	MM54543/6
MM54480/7	MM54473/8	MM54536/9
MM54542/10	MM54486/12

And the C101EBs of the Patrulla Aguila:
E.25-25/79-25/1	  E.25-06/79-06/2   E.25-26/79-26/3
E.25-27/79-27/4	  E.25-86/79-32/5   E.25-52/79-34/6
E.25-07/79-07/7	  E.25-01/79-01/-                

Flying only/visitors:
5D-HT			AB212		FlRgt 1/1
05, 06			J35Ö		FlRgt 2/1
The Saab Drakens were operating from their base in Austria, flew a
couple of circuits and returned to Austria. The AB212 was used as
a VIP ferry flight around 17:30 hrs on Saturday.

Mass-formation (in order of flypast):
0823			Mi-17		3VrK   
7737, 8217, 8746	Mi-2	        3VrK   
0812, 0824, 0841	Mi-17	        3VrK   
0786, 0707		Mi-24V	        3VrK   
0101			Mi-24D	        3VrK   
0730, 1133, 2311	L-410	        2SBoLK 
3208			An-26	        2SBoLK 
5605, 5803		An-24	        2SBoLK 
3404 +2			L-29	        33SBoLK
4701, 4711 +1		L-39C	        1SLK   
7714			MiG-21MF	1SLK
6728, 6930		MiG-29		1SLK
And the Biele Albatrosy were closing the formation. All (parts of)
serials that are underlined, were not read off at Bratislava, but on
Sunday at Malacky.

Police area (situation on Saturday):
B-1717			Mi-17		Police/VIP	hangar
B-2048, B-2405		Mi-2	        Police		hangar        
B-2744			Mi-2	        Police		flying        
B-2909, B-2950		Mi-2	        Police		flightline    
B-8231, B-8427		Mi-8P	        Police		flightline    
B-8532			Mi-8PS	        Police		platform      

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