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Basic Type Yak-40
Construction Nr 9531442
Full Type Reg / Serial / Code Operator / Colours First Reported Remarks
Yak-40 CCCP-87549 AFL/Privolzhsk-UUA mfd 25aug75 toc 26aug75; rgd 03sep75; opb 343 LO Bugulminskogo AO Tatarskogo OAO; w/o 24jan88 on the leg from Nizhnevartovsk to Tyumen at night of a flight from Nizhnevartovsk to Bugulma when all 3 engines lost power immediately after lift-off and 2 of them failed soon after (either the flight mechanic had shut them down accidentally or the crew had intended to abort the take-off), the aircraft lost height and speed, collided with trees and crashed 1.9 km north-east of Nizhnevartovsk airport (at N60.974999 E76.526389), all 4 crew and 23 of the 27 passengers killed and all survivors seriously injured; t/t 13,978 hours and 14,766 cycles; soc and canx 26oct88

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