Soviet Transport Database

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Basic Type An-22
Construction Nr 043482272
Full Type Reg / Serial / Code Operator / Colours First Reported Remarks
An-22A CCCP-09343 Sov AF/AFL titles f/f 31oct74 line # 06-05; rgd 15jun78; f/n 12jan81, location unknown; seen CGN 25oct82; received flare dispensers in 1986
An-22A RA-09343 Russian AF/AFL tit Iva 24aug95 flight plan KLD-DME exists dated oct01, filed by Captain Chernyshov; seen KLD 13aug06 with chaff/flare dispensers; l/n KLD 06dec08
An-22A RA-09343 Russian Air Force photo overhauled Ivanovo 2009/2010 and back in service jan10; seen CKL jun10; crashed 28dec10 in adverse weather conditions near Tula on a flight from Voronezh-Baltimor to Tver, reportedly due to rudder problems which caused the aircraft to bank to the left, lose height before going into a spin; all 12 (crew and a reserve crew) on board were killed

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