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Basic Type Il-14
Construction Nr 7343609
Full Type Reg / Serial / Code Operator / Colours First Reported Remarks
Il-14M CCCP-L2058 AFL/Syktyvkar-SCW mfd 30nov57 opb Syktyvkarskaya otdelnaya aviagruppa; toc 12dec57; in MGA document as Il-14M
Il-14M CCCP-52058 AFL/Syktyvkar-SCW rgd 1958/59 opb Syktyvkarskaya otdelnaya aviagruppa; opb 75 LO; in document 01apr59; w/o 16feb66 on a flight from Vorkuta to Syktyvkar when the right engine failed (due to a design fault of the engine) one hour into the flight and caught fire, the crew tried an emergency landing but the fire spread rapidly and the engine separated from the wing at a height of some 100 metres, the aircraft went out of control, dived into a frozen swamp near the Bolshaya Vyatkina river 40 km north of Pechora and burnt out, all 8 crew and 18 passengers killed; t/t 17,157 hours; soc 01apr66

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