TLP 2019-1


START: 11-02-2019 END: 28-02-2019
Serial Type Unit Special Role Arrival Departure
91-0302 F-15E 492nd FS   Participant    
91-0303  F-15E 492nd FS   Participant    
91-0307  F-15E 492nd FS   Participant    
91-0316  F-15E 492nd FS   Participant    
91-0317 F-15E 492nd FS   Participant    
91-0331  F-15E nn   Participant    
91-0332  F-15E nn   Participant    
96-0205 F-15E nn   Participant    
97-0219 F-15E 492nd FS USAF 75th anniversary Normandy Heritage Participant    
97-0220 F-15E 492nd FS   Participant    
97-0221  F-15E nn   Participant    
97-0222 F-15E 492nd FS   Participant    
98-0131  F-15E 492nd FS   Participant    
98-0135  F-15E nn   Participant    
FA86  F-16AM nm   Participant    
FA107  F-16AM nm   Participant    
FA119  F-16AM nm   Participant    
FA121   F-16AM nm   Participant    
FA130  F-16AM nm   Participant    
FA134  F-16AM nm   Participant    
MM7288/36-42 F-2000A 936° GEA   Participant    
MM7296/36-22  F-2000A 936° GEA   Participant    
MM62293/14-11 E-550A 71° Gruppo   Participant    
43+50  Tornado IDS TLG33   Participant    
44+23  Tornado IDS TLG33   Participant    
44+58 Tornado IDS TLG33   Participant    
45+00 Tornado IDS TLG33   Participant    
45+69 Tornado IDS TLG33   Participant    
46+15 Tornado IDS TLG33   Participant    
114/30-IS  Rafale C EC 02.030   Participant    
141/30-GT  Rafale C EC 030 EC 01.007 badge Participant    
129/30-GH  Rafale C nn   Participant    
138/30-GQ   Rafale C nn   Participant    
11  Rafale M 11F   Participant    
16  Rafale M nn   Participant    
46   Rafale M nm   Participant    
2802/SK EC725R2 EH01.067   CSAR    
619  F-16D 337 MPK   Participant    
517  F-16C 337 MPK   Participant    
530  F-16C 337 MPK   Participant    
531   F-16C nn   Participant    
LX-N90452   E-3A NAEW&CF   Participant    
C.15-14/15-01  EF-18M Ala 15 Tiger Tail Participant    
C.15-36/15-23  EF-18M Ala 15   Participant    
C.15-??/15-24   EF-18M Ala 15   Participant    
TM.11-4/472-04  Falcon 20E 472 Esc   Participant    




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